
Dear Bill,

Please find enclosed a copy of the paper I have recently published on the dosage effects of the recessive white gene. I hope it will be of interest to you.

I think it should be because it shows what can be done with a long established fancier bred strain so simply and easily especially since in over 70 years the professional geneticists have not come up with a single case of dosage effects for C+.

We have had a lot of snow, ice and frost so please think about us when you are complaining about it being too hot.

I have got a photocopy of the paper on Ancobars but the photocopy is not too good. Apart from colour they are similar to Anconas but in colour the cockerel is nearly white and the pullet barred with white mottles and tips. They were made to have an Autosexing breed incorporating the best of the laying properties of the Ancona and Barred Rock American style.

I must close as I have promised to send quite a few of these reprint away.

I hope very much that your personal problems are easing.

Best wishes.