Mr Frank Gary  
Crosswicks - N.J. - USA


I think it was sometimes in August since I last wrote to you and I must apologise for not writing sooner, but without going into details things here have been pretty hectic.

I must write to Fred Jeffrey as I have a photo to send him of the Black Red Modern Game Cockerel which was Ch. Bantam at the Bantam Club of NSW Annual Show. It took out the ABA Medallion.

I must also apologise for not getting drawings of the Pekin to you. My son hasn’t even yet got around to doing them. However I am enclosing sketches which I have pieced together. I will explain a little about them later in the letter.

I must thank you for the copy of the 5th Edition of the ABA Bantam Standard  which arrived only last week. My congratulations on the effort. I haven’t had time to go right through it yet, but have noted the Langshan. Your grandson did a really good job with the art work. Please pass on my congratulations to him also. Also tank you for the acknowledgement in the Standard of both Neville hotly and myself. We are only too happy to assist wherever we can, so do not hesitate to call on us at any time. We really enjoyed the exercise.

While on the subject of standard: although I have not got a copy of 1981 ABA Yearbook as yet I noted in the one Neville received the standard for Australian Pit Game, Australian Game and Pekin which is very good. I checked the copy I received from you on that breed which did have in it pea comb but I had a note alongside it that it was incorrect. Perhaps I did not advise on that when I wrote back to you? The Australian Pit Game is a straight combed bird and is dubbed as an OEG would be. Some of the Pits have muffs, you may check if I advised on that. I’m sorry if I missed it. Neville is coming down to my house one night. We will go through the Yearbook against my copies from you. I may have missed something else. If so will let you know since last writing my son has married and I have been doing some work on his home as well as helping in the business. His home is of an historic nature being built in 1840 (that is old for Australia). It was originally an inn,The Black Horse. Unfortunately before he acquired it very little maintenance had been done on it. He hopes over the years to restore it to its original condition and use it for holding small dinner parties and the like as this is part of his business.

Hope both you and your wife are keeping well. Guess you are coming up to a White Xmas, there is New Jersey, of course here at Xmas we usually only wear a pair of shorts and little else. My doctor gave me a good report on my eyes a short time back. I use Pilocarpin 3% - 4 times a day which seems to do the job.


I am continuing the letter which I started around a month ago. Even I have finished it, then it would have been no good posting it as the mail situation here in NSW was out of action for about 3 weeks during December. The men were on strike and there was no mail in or out for that time. They went back to work just before Christmas.

The book I have been writing is not finished after being at a standstill for some months. It is calledThe Pekin Bantam in Australia , 190 pages, quarto, typewritten. I typed all the stencils myself and painted them on the duplicator. I’ve worked pretty hard on it over the last month. I could not afford to have it published with printing costs etc.

A printer friend of mine has done the photographs for me by the offset process. I have only painted 120 copies but have the stencils which can be used again if necessary.

All that remains to be done is the insertion of another page. A chap from Melbourne who writes poultry articles for the newspaper down there is writing a forward for me and I am waiting on that to come to hand. Then the pages, including the cover, have to be stapled together and trimmed by the printer which I anticipate will be done around the middle of January. It won’t be morocco bound, nothing fancy, but does contain quite a deal of information. Hopefully I will sell a few copies to defray the cost. As soon as they are ready I will be sending both you and Fred Jeffrey a copy for your personal library.

I am enclosing drawings which my son eventually got around to doing. These will be included in the book. I think they may raise some comment from some breeders out here but feel they are reasonably close to what me are endeavouring to achieve and after all I think that’s what it is all about.

In any case as I have stated in my book I was prepared to go out on a limb with regard to the standard here in Australia. Somebody had to do something. I have been looking through my file of old Australian Poultry papers and read where somebody says we should do this or that. After 40 years these things still haven’t been done, so hopefully with the time I have left I’m going to do something about a lot of these things. Some may hate me for it but as you once said to me Don’t worry about what they say. If you believe that what you are doing needs doing just go ahead and do it. A good example is the ABA and the ABA Bantam Standard and yourself in particular.

I may have told you before that some couple of years ago I acquired about 800 copies of a weekly newspaper called Poultry that was published in Sydney from 1918 to 1970. They contain a wealth of information. Now I have finished the Pekin book. I hope to go through these papers and extract the articles and information on the 4 breeds indigenous to Australia namely the Langshan, Australorp, Australian Game and Australian Pit Game. I think I can get enough material of a booklet on each of them. It may take some time but if it is not done all the info will eventually be lost forever. Anyway must close now and will not leave it so long before writing again.