Mrs Annie Banning-Vogelpoel
Waardenburg - Netherlands


Dear Mrs Banning,

Thank you for your letter of 21-1-1985 and also your card at Christmas. I’m am afraid I’ve been behind my correspondence and writings over the last few months due to family problems but intend to endeavour to get things back to normal as soon as I can.

I appreciated your comments regarding book 2 of my series. I don’t know when I will get more of the books off the ground. It is pretty time consuming putting everything in order as well as being expensive.

Thank you so much for the information contained in your letter . It is very helpful as I was not aware of the facts you have given me. When I do book 3 which will be on the Gallus species I will include your information as it will be relevant to book 2. I will give due acknowledgement as to its source.

I have not done book 1. It will deal with the Dinosaurs etc. There is not much doubt now that the Birds descended from the Dinosaurs. I have Darwin’s books and numerous books on mendelism. There is no doubt Mendel’s experiments were very thorough and he solved the secrets of heredity. I have books by Bateson and Punnett on this subject. They proved Mendel’s work as did I think De Vries. It’s a pity Mendel’s work was not known to Darwin, who was a great observer who perhaps would have risen to greater heights if he had known of Mendel’s experiment.

I have based a lot of my writings and thoughts on Darwin, Mendel, Thor Heyerdahl (distribution) and Finsterbusch. However I cannot agree with Darwin that ALL domestic fowl had Gallus Bankiva as their origin. I feel there is too much evidence otherwise.

My hope is that someone who reads my book may come up with further information as you have done which will lead to us finding perhaps some answers.

You didn’t comment on my theory of the origins of the Araucana chicken. I would appreciate hearing from you on this matter.

Yes, I have seen from the TV reports that it has been a very bad winter in Europe. I’m afraid it wouldn’t suit me that 24°C. We don’t have snow here fortunately. This summer we have had some very hot weather and very little rain. There have been some very bad forest and grass fires throughout Australia, hot so bad in out immediate area fortunately.

Once again thank you so much for the information you sent me. It is much appreciated.
