Professor George Carter
Texas A&M University - College Station- Texas - USA


Dear Professor Carter,

I recently received a photostat copy of an article entitled Before Columbus which appeared originally in the Ellsworth American and was reprinted in the ABA Quarterly Newsletter and written by yourself in which you discussed my writings. Thank you very much for the write up. It gave me great satisfaction to know that the work of collecting material for my researches on the origins of the domestic chicken does have some value.

I have received quite an amount of feedback from my Chicken Bone Recoveries most of it very valuable and interesting. This will also be published hopefully later this year as a supplement to the next book of which I am preparing the manuscript at the moment. This latest book will cover the Gallus species or as much material as I can gather.

I am putting forward a theory that the Bankivoids - Malays - Asiatics (Brahma, Cochin, Langshan) are different species probably stemming from an extinct ancestor but following different lines of descent. We need to get those archaeologists studying the chicken bones intensely to get the answers. By the way, what type of magazine is the Ellsworth American you might let me know when next writing.

I am a bit handicapped at the moment as I recently had an eye operation, which normally is a simple operation. However mine developed a complication which may take some time to correct itself.

I can however still write. I’m not sure whether I told you previously that chicken bones have been recovered in recent times by Professor Zhou around Cishan, Northern China, dated around 5000 BC. This rather throws a lot of the earlier information into confusion but does I think throw more light on the subject.

Hope you are keeping well and looking forward to hearing from you in the not too distant future.

Sincerely yours,