Loyl Stromberg
Pine River - Minnesota - USA


Dear Loyl,

The Pea-Fowl book arrived today for which I thank you very much. I have only had time to seen through but can see it is a must for any Pea-Fowl fancier.

The colour plates are excellent and the aver all information very good. I will  endeavour to publicise it out here. Will do a review for our Fanciers Gazette and also one in our Pekin Bantams Club Newsletter might get you a few customers - can’t guarantee anything.

I will contact people I know near here who run a small wild life park. They may be interested in obtaining a copy. Congratulations on your effort.

I have made a contact in China at the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology at Beijing (Peking). it is a very important one for me. It would not serve your purpose for your Encyclopaedia but I am working on that and may have something for you a little later on.

The chap I have contacted has sent me a paper on the discovery of chicken bones dated at 5000 BC which predates earlier bone recoveries, apart from fossil remains. He is also sending further material. I well keep your  informed. I think the situation with mainland  China is becoming better. I saw Ronald Regan welcoming the Chinese Leaders to Washington on the TV news tonight. I will do what I can to get info for you.

I am still having problems with my eye after the operations. May still have to go to Sidney for Laser treatment eventually. However I believe it will be OK in the long term. I am able to drive my car again around town but wouldn’t venture  in to real heavy traffic.

I have almost completed the manuscript for the next book The Gallus species  with a supplement containing the information received since the Chicken Bone  book went out.

I have a lot of very important information for this supplement.

Hope you are keeping well and thanks once again for the look.

Sincerely yours,