Prof Stanley J. Olsen - Dept of Anthropology
University of Arizona - Tucson


Dear Professor Olsen,

Last year I sent you a copy of book 2 Chicken bone recoveries  part of the series. I am writing and publishing on the Origin, evolution, history and distribution of the domestic fowl. I hope you received it in good order. I haven’t received any reply from you regarding it and thought possibly you may have been away on further expeditions as I know this does occur with you.

If you have received the book OK, any comments you may care to make would be appreciated. Also you may have further information relevant to my subject that has come to hand since I last heard from you.

I have now almost completed the manuscript for the next book in the series entitled The Gallus species and hope to publish it before the end of 1985. This book will also include a supplement covering the further information I have obtained in feedback from the Chicken Bone book some of which is quite startling.

Of recent times I have been corresponding with Mrs Sally Rodwell of Cambridge, England, now domiciled in Hong Kong, who did a paper analysing the work of Professor Zhou Ben Xiang around Cishan in Northern China. I have also obtained a copy of Professor Zhou’s paper Amongst animals etc quite on amount of chicken bone was recovered. This material is dated around 5000 BC!

This predates other earlier recoveries so it will probably need some reassessing of the earlier writings on the subject.

You are probably aware of this information. I will be including it in the supplement of this next book as I feel it is most important material.

I have been most encouraged by the feedback I received from the Chicken bone book for I always felt there was much more information around than what I had been able to collect. This has proved correct.

Hoping you are keeping well and hope to hear from you in the not too distant future.

Sincerely yours,