Dr Edmund Hoffmann
Canning - Nova Scotia - Canada


Dear Ed,

Received your Muscovy print out yesterday for which I thank you very much. You have certainly put some work into seeking out the information. I can appreciate your efforts. I have not read through it thoroughly as yet but it would as with all this work of research establishing the ways and time of diffusion seems to one of the stumbling blocks. I have discussed this with George Carter and he seems to be of the opinion that there is evidence of many contacts with the New World pre-Columbian times. He maintains  that many consider new evidence intrusive. I would interpret this as they don’t want to rock the boat. I have encountered somewhat similar problems as there have been chicken bones recovered both at Watom Island (North of the New Britain) and in NE Thailand. I have been promised samples of the bones but in the case of Watom Island they have been mislaid. The Thailand bones have not arrived. If I could get hold of these bones I think I could get the assistance of an osteologist at our University Medical School in Newcastle and compare them with Finsterbusch’s deliberations and perhaps ascertain what they may have come from Gallus gallus or otherwise. The problem is as I see it is that these fellows who dig them up do not attach much importance to chicken bones, yet I feel a lot could be learned from them.

You will note when you receive my Jungle Fowl book that I have put forward the hypothesis that instead of all domestic chickens being descended only from Gallus gallus (Red Jungle Fowl) that perhaps there were three lines of descent from an extinct ancestor giving us the Bankivoids, Gallus giganteus (Malay) and Asiatics (Cochin, Langshan, Brahma).

So to get any further with this hypothesis it is necessary for the recovered bones to be studied in depth. However through my writings someone may be encouraged to pursue this avenue. Whether I am right or wrong does it really matter as long as we can establish just what the situation is. I feel however that my hypothesis does have a case, but of course no positive evidence.

You spoke in earlier correspondence re diffusion in the Pacific area. There is not much information around on this score. It would appear from the little bit there is that the diffusion may have come from the direction of Asia as chickens in parts of Polynesia appear to be descended from Gallus gallus (Bankiva).

A young lady from New Zealand did some work on dating in Pacific some years ago but has moved to Canada. I have been in touch with her but unfortunately all her notes are packed away in New Zealand.

At the moment I am doing a book on the Breeds of Domestic Fowl Created in Australia. When I finish that I will be getting on to Diffusion question and sort out what material I have.

I think I mentioned earlier it feel Thor Heyerdahl’s voyages have great significance. From memory I think he carried a duck with him across the Atlantic on the Ra expedition.

Kimball’s articles were very interesting and have given me some ideas.

Some 18 years ago as you will observe in my Jungle Fowl book I contacted Zoological Gardens in Asia who have in their collection Jungle Fowls. I may contact them again and perhaps seen if any new developments have come to light.

Although frustrating at times I find the study fascinating and satisfying and a number of my correspondents have told me the work of collecting the material and putting into one package does have some value. I will just keep on working on it as long as I am able.

Had a letter from George Carter (in haste as usual). He tells me that the evidence is mounting supporting early contacts with the Americas, a lot from Japan, Norse, Ireland, Celtic.

He says the Oceans were highways at least by 3,000 BC. I would like to meet him. I think it would be quite an experience. I have asked him for a contact to obtain a specific details.

I am an ham radio operator (from 1939). I have frequent contacts with Japan and will ask one of my contacts if he can organise someone at the Universities over there in an endeavour to gain some info at that end. So it goes on the quest for further info. However I’m enjoying it. All for now.
