
Dear Mister Plant,

I received your letter and your book and I think that it will be very useful in completing the information about the Araucana’s origin. In Crawford’s book I saw your name and your references. When I have seen your name, I have imagined your happiness to be in this Bible of Geneticists, and I also think that  it's just. Your works about the bones recoveries is very important and is very  fascinating. My compliments.

About the books who are travelling by surface mail, no problems. I wait, in this moment I have several English books to read to complete the ideas of my book who is at a good point.

I send the cheque with this letter with other 5 AU$ for bank's expenses.

Around the Yokohama colour I have found nothing neither in the book of Crawford neither in the book of Stevens. I hope for the book of Carefoot.

The book of Carefoot Creative Poultry Breeding is coming from Madam Veronica and  it will arrive in these days. Yes, it's arrived today, but it's without index and  thus it's difficult for me find the Yokohama.

Today arrived also the book of Fred Jeffrey Bantam Chickens and at the page 201, RED SADDLE: "The only breed variety is Yokohama. This is a rare variety  which is probably some sort of a pyle with spangling added. Bodies are white in  both sexes but breasts are colored -- brown with white spangle in male and salmon  red with white spangle in female. In view of the fact that both sexes have  similar patterns one would expect the columbian gene to be present and the white  bodies suggest the presence of dominant white"

It's frequent to read in American Authors pyle instead of pile, but I think that this is a mistake. What you think? Pile is the other side of a coin, in Italy we say "testa (head) e (and) croce (cross)" Pile, in a fowl, is as a negative of a B&W photo of the black breasted fowl. True? This is the unique explication I have found in a old breeder's paper of 1915.

Crawford frequently speaks of the Fayoumi breed. Do you may give to me any information about this race?

My cousin is a radio amateur, not in your frequency, but he has a friend who may contact you. Do you transmit always, and in what frequency, and in what hours?

In September 27th I, and my in breeding right arm, Eduardo CANI, we go to the Netherlands to the national show in Utrecht and also to contact some breeders friends and Doctor Gankema who have written a recent book on poultry feathering colour. The Dutch are teachers in breeding the dwarf and also in genetic combinations. We will see the news!

Eduardo is a Brazilian and Italian citizen. His ancestors was from the north of Italy. Also Eduardo is dreaming Australia, like I’m I wrote in my book that Eduardo said me: "When I was a little boy I collected in the country the eggs of the hens, and these hens not was of pure stock, they was a crossing, and their egg was green, blue and brown". I think that this fact indicates that the Araucana was crossed with country fowls. Eduardo is born in the south of Brazil, in the State of Santa Catarina, at 600 Km from Iguaçu Falls. The Chile is not very far and also the pampas of Argentina.

Excuse my English who is too poor. I write directly in French, but the English is still hard. If I go enhance in this language, I will express many other thoughts. Do you came in Italy for holidays? One day or other I think come to the  Australia.

Best wishes to you and all your family. I thank you very much.