Rüdiger Wandelt
Marburg - Germany


Dear Rüdiger,

Your letter and material arrived today for which I thank you very much. Your information about the Zwerg Cochin is very good and I will be looking forward to the further information.

Unfortunately I do not know the German language but have a fiend who ca give me a little help.

I was interested to have that there are 20 colours standardised in Germany. We are going to prepare standards for Furnace (Brassy Backs and Crele) shortly.

My son and I have been involved in the Pekin Bantam for around 30 years. I am 74 years old my son is 44 years old.

Unfortunately my eyesight has failed badly over the last 6 or 7 years which makes things difficult to do at times.

We are both executive officers of the Pekin Bantam Club of New South Wales (Australia) and have been in this position for some years. I have been newsletter Editor for 20 years.

I am enclosing a couple o issues of the Pekin Bantam Club of NSW Newsletter. You may feel free to reproduce material from the Newsletters as well as the books on the Australian created breeds I am sending you.

All I ask that due acknowledgement is given both to the origin of the article in the first instance as well as acknowledgement as coming from my booklets.

I am only too pleased to be able to assist your in your endeavours with your book. I think my information may help. The booklets to you are complementary. Thank you for the address of the German Cochin Club.

I enjoyed having Elio Corti visit me for 4 weeks. He was able to gain much information from my files which I have been gathering together from around 25 years.

I am very busy at the moment as we have  our Annual Club Show coming up in a few weeks.

I will write a longer letter later.
