30th August 1995

Dear Mr Plant,

Re: Jungle Fowl in the Solomon Islands.

Your name was given to me by Rod Harris who says that you have done extensive research on Jungle Fowl in the Pacific region.

I have been associated with the Solomon since 1968 when I first worked there for the Commonwealth Bank and since then I have maintained an active inters in that country at many levels.

Last year I published my first book which is the life story of a native Chief in the Solomons. My fascination with the Solomon Islands people continues but I am also very interested in their wildlife some which is unique to that country. Naturally it is also under treat from logging and land clearing and any work which can be done is useful.

Besides my lifelong passion for the islands I have also been interested in birds but particularly poultry. In fact you could say I am chook mad and my ultimate dream would be to have a breeding station on an island in the Solomon.

Very little work has been done on the birds of the Solomon’s in recent decades although it I s more urgent every day. I do not have the technical knowledge or resources to attempt to prepare any worthwhile work on the birds unfortunately.   

However my interest in poultry keeping naturally guides me towards gathering information about the jungle fowl there.

I have heard a couple of stories from the Solomon’s about where they might be but I am desperately in need of information about them which has been recorded so far.

I hope that you may have some material that you can let me have access to. I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount of or photocopying, postage etc. if necessary.

I look forward to hearing  from you shortly.

Yours sincerely,