Dr Elio Corti
Valenza - Italy


Dear Elio,

Received the Ex Libris stickers and other material for which I thank you very much. The stickers were very good and I have started putting them in my books. It will be a very long job as I have so many books as you know. I will reproduce the stickers on the photocopier. Pleased to know that you received a letter from Hoffmann. He is an expert in the field of ducks ad geese.

I don’t think he agrees with me about the origins of the domestic fowl. I believe he supports the single ancestor (Gallus gallus bankiva ). However he has been most helpful.

I received communication from Romanov, and Irina from Moscow. She sent me a book in Russian. They were both interesting letters. Romanov should have the books by now. He will have plenty to read. He is most knowledgeable.

On article of mine on origin, evolution etc appeared in Avicultura: I had a letter from the Editor who advised me that there had been some enquiries for my address. As the result of this I received a letter and a copy of an article from this fellow in Arizona in the US who has been studying the origins for a long time. I am sending him my Origins books and should get some more of his articles. He apparently agrees with my line of thinking on this subject. I expect further communications. More contacts for us. Very good.

I have the passport form and photos fixed and will take it to the Post Office for processing this week. When I get to London I would like to see Veronica Mayhew who lives not far from London, and Carefoot. He is up in Lancashire near Liverpool. Also the British Museum of Natural History which is in Cromwell Road in London. Although I don’t think Dr West is still there, I might be able to get some information about the Chinese chicken bones which we studied from the Dept of Zoology.

Also my ancestors came from a place called Deptford which I think is more or less an outer suburb of London. I am seeking information on them. I am told Somerset House in London might have information of this nature.

I am enclosing a copy of the current Newsletter. We should have another one ready in a couple of months. I spent Christmas with David and Christopher, a quite time but most enjoyable.

I received a book order from veronica the other day for sale in UK. I will have to get more Australorp books printed. Rhode Island book is now ready for printing when Tony gets some time. Must press on. Happy 1996.


This letter should have been posted a couple of weeks ago. The letter was put aside and I forgot to post it. My apologies. I will be writing again very soon.