26 Jan 1996

Dear Bill,

I write somewhat belatedly to offer a welcome to you at Chipping. I would think that you best bet to come to us is by train from London to Preston (main line) where I would collect you.

Given notice I would arrange Farmhouse Bed and Breakfast family close to us. in a beautiful modernised place relatively inexpensive. I could also take you to see other breeders if you wished. We will firm up when you know your plans.

If you contact Ian Smith: my chocolate gene is a sex-linked recessive. Ziehl and Hollander isolated a dun of similar appearance which was dominant and an alternative to Id dominant white This may be of interest to him. It appears my chocolate is similar to khaki in Ducks, chocolate in Muscovies and pigeons.

Your question on brachydactily is answered on P. 88 of Creative Poultry Breeding.

I will send a copy of this letter to Dr Corti as I have to reply him as well.

All the best,