May 3, 1996.

Dear Mr. Plant,

I have pleasure to read your kind letter of March 28. It is a great regret for me that I cannot be present at your friendly meeting in sunny Valenza in May. But there were some serious obstacles in arranging visa in time. Besides, I must be in Borky till May 16 in connection with organizing the 2nd Ukrainian Poultry Conference because I am appointed to be the secretary of this conference and this requires a lot of my time and forces. Third, now it is hard time to prepare my Doctor thesis for the official defence that will be held in June.

None the less I wish you and Dr. Elio Corti to have a good time in Italy and other European countries. I am most admired by your young activity as well as disinterested hospitality of Dr. Corti.

I am glad that some of my comments to your papers may be useful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any information or assistance.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Warmest regards and best of success.

Yours very faithfully,