


Genere di piante della famiglia Graminacee frequente nei prati, dalla pianura alla zona montana. Affine al genere Agrostis, ha portamento cespitoso eretto, foglie lungamente nastriformi, appuntite; fiori in spighette formanti pannocchie erette. Specie molto diffusa è la Calamagrostis arundinacea. Nei luoghi umidi si trova facilmente la Calamagrostis epigeios, erba piuttosto alta, dalle pannocchie lasse, con fiori a spighetta violacea. La Calamagrostis tenella è propria delle zone alpine.


Calamagrostis, or Small-reed or (Am.) Reedgrass, is a genus in the Grass family Poaceae with about 230 species that occur mainly in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Towards equatorial latitudes, species of Calamagrostis generally occur at higher elevations in mountainous regions. These tufted perennials usually have hairless narrow leaves. The ligules are usually blunt. The inflorescence forms a panicle. Some may be reed-like.
The plants may be rhizomatous (underground stems with shoots), stoloniferous (with runners), or caespitose (growing in tufts or clumps). The bisexual spikelets have a single floret and generally they are purple or purple-brown. The spikelets are clustered into inflorescences, which usually develop in early- to mid-summer on long culms ( = stems). Species of Calamagrostis can be very decorative; for example, in North America, a cultivar of Calamagrostis (Calamagrostis x acutiflora cv. Karl Foerster) is widely grown as an ornamental grass.

The word "Calamagrostis" is derived from the Greek word kalamos (reed) and agrostis (a kind of grass). Many species of Calamagrostis are morphologically similar, but they generally occur in distinct habitats, and they have unique geographical distributions. Given the subtle distinctions between many closely related taxa, there are several species complexes that could benefit from additional systematic study. Even the generic boundaries of the genus are controversial. For example, species in the genus Deyeuxia, distributed largely in the southern hemisphere are morphologically very similar to species of Calamagrostis. It may be appropriate to recognize all of these species in a single genus, but this will require detailed scientific study of DNA of species from around the world.


Calamagrostis (del griego kalamos cálamo y agrostis especie de hierba) o Achaeta es un género de plantas de la familia Poaceae con alrededor de 230 especies. Vegetan principalmente en terrenos húmedos de las regiones templadas del hemisferio norte y a grandes alturas en el trópico. Estas hierbas perennes comúnmente adventicias, poseen hojas estrechas y sin pubescencia, formando penachos. Las lígulas suelen ser romas. Las inflorescencias forman una panícula, en algunas especies de color rojizo. Las raíces pueden ser rizomatosas, estoloníferas o cespitosas. Las espiguillass bisexuales poseen una única flor de color púrpura o marrón- purpúreo. Surgen a principios del verano sobre largos tallos.