July 17, 1993

Dear Bill:

I hope this finds you well and happy. For my part I have undergone an operation for lung cancer this winter. I am told the prognosis is good but it is a constant worry, just don’t want to go!

Hans Schippers sent me a well written story on Chinese Geese by Megg Miller published in Australasian Poultry June/July 1993.

I do not have the address of either the author or the magazine and I hope you will forward my story on the African goose on to her.

I was sent a manuscript by the Texas University Press last fall for appraisal. Written by George Carter. I sort of tore it apart and since then have been deluged by paper by Carter. With my illness I have not had the energy to wade through them but hope to one day.

My paper on the Natural History of the Muscovy Duck continues to evolve. If you would like a current version please let me know. Ah the joys of computer editing—the paper is never finished.

I hope you have had a chance to read Roy Crawford’s paper on the Origin of the Chicken in the book he edited Poultry Breeding and Genetics. He of course refers to your work. It is a very large and expensive book and if you have not seen it I would be happy to photostat the chapter on origins.

Well, be of good cheer. A million thanks for the accommodation.