July 17, 1993

Dear Megg Miller:

A friend in Amsterdam sent me a copy of your story on Chinese Geese published recently in Australasian Poultry.

I thought you be interested in my story on the African which has been published in various places. I would be happy to have your comments.

For my part I would be interested in any evidence on the effect of the: Chinese on clutch size as you mention on page 5. Does the brown variety actually lay better than the white. The brown are very rare in North America.

As you no doubt know egg production of geese has been increased greatly by the manipulation of light in windowless houses, most notably in France but also in Israel. If you would like some information on this please request it. I thought you were guilty of one sin of omission when you did not mention that the wild swan goose does not have a knob and that the knob is apparently the result of selection by the Chinese. Of course the same perversity is reflected in the Lion Headed Goose (African but the Swatow version) which I find grotesque.

I do hope you will find time to write.
